Rules for a Successful Marriage

There are plenty of theories about how to create a happy relationship. You wouldn’t have to look towards marriage gurus because we have compiled a list of rules for a successful marriage.

One thing should be in your mind that married life isn’t easy. There can’t be anything better than that if you and your partner are on the same page. If you are unable to deal with the pressure of maintaining a perfect marriage, you may end up breaking your relationship. 

12 Rules for a Successful Marriage

These 12 rules can help you to live a happy married life. 

  • Forgive
  • If you want to be in a long term relationship, then try to forgive the mistakes of your partner. It is the main ingredient of a successful marriage. Every human makes mistakes, so does your partner will do. Mistakes of your spouse will upset you from time to time, but if you can forgive them every time, you can strengthen the bond between you. 

  • Apologize 
  • It is one of the most important for a successful life. If you want to strengthen your relationship, apologize to each other. Sometimes you will have to apologize; even you don’t have any mistake. You have to apologize more to save your relationship; otherwise, the ego will destroy your married life. 

  • Don’t be afraid to argue
  • People say that if you want to save your relationship, then don’t argue. However, it’s not true. There will be lots of tensions in this relation. Arguments are part of a relationship, and I believe that arguments strengthen the relationship.

    Instead of stonewalling or withdrawing from improving the relationship, you should find constructive ways or the right timing to talk.

    Make sure that you are arguing politely. In this way, your partner will feel free to argue with you. Your spouse will let you know when he/she is unhappy, and you can avoid this happening again in the future.  

  • Appreciate
  • When you show appreciation for someone, it means you are happy for them. Showing appreciation for your partner can make them feel good. You can easily make your partner happy once getting used to them.

    When you don’t appreciate them, they might feel that you don’t like them to be around you. That’s why showing appreciation is the best rule for a successful marriage. Appreciating your partner will give them a signal that you value and love them. When you show appreciation, it will encourage your partner to follow the same behavior in the future. 

  • Be a team
  • If you want to live a happy life, then you will have to act as a team. Whenever you face difficult times in life, try to face them together. Remove the "I" and "You" as much as you can.

    When you act and work in a team, you will be stronger than you are apart. Never try to face difficulties alone as it will create problems for your relationship. Let them know if you are facing some challenges, they would definitely love to help you. When you share a problem, it means you have cut it into half. 

  • Respect
  • It is the golden rule for a successful married life. Give respect and have respect. You can live a happy married life by giving respect to your partner. Do not think you are better than your spouse.

    In the worst scenarios, when you are fighting, you still maintain respect for each other. Remain calm when you have differences between you. When you are angry, never pass disrespectful comments. I am sure you will regret them later.

  • Express your love daily
  • The greatest mistake that most humans make is they show hesitance to tell their partners that they love them. Tell your partner how much you love them. Try to do it daily to live a happy life. Never hesitate to express your life. It is a golden rule for a successful married life.  

  • Don’t criticize friends or family of your spouse
  • It is the mistake that most couples commit by disrespecting the parents and friends of their spouses. When you want your partner to respect your parents and family, then do the same. Don’t criticize your spouse for the actions of your in-laws. It will strain your relationship eventually.

  • Embrace Change
  • We had seen lots of couples on the verge of divorce when we asked for the reason; they said he/she is not the same person to whom I married. Over time, everything will be changed, including your hobbies, lifestyles, and bodies.

    Your opinion about your partner will also be changed. Nothing stays the same forever. So, as a couple, you will have to adapt to and accept those changes. Embrace the current status of your relationship. Embrace all the changes that take place in your partner and yourself. Growing together can be the key ingredient for a successful married life. 

  • Listen
  • Another mistake that we make is we don’t listen. It can be good to listen when you have common intersects, but try to listen to your partner when something is not interesting for you. In this way, you give importance to them, and they feel happy. You can make a difference by asking them how your day is going. When you listen to them and pay attention, they will never feel lonely and disconnected. So it is another golden rule for a successful married life. 

  • Never go to bed in an angry mood
  • It’s normal to get angry, but try to resolve your matter before going to sleep. You wouldn’t love to be kicked out of the bed and spend the night on the sofa. It can create a separation between you. Communicate things and do this until you feel better. Go to bed when you are relaxed, now you can enjoy a good sleep. 

  • Don’t discuss past mistakes
  • When we are in anger, we bring past mistakes into the discussion. Don’t do that if you want to live a happy married life. Learn and try to compromise. When you know to compromise, only then you can save your relationship. If you have any issues with your partner, discuss it, resolve it, and move forward. Never compare your current relationship with previous ones. 

    These are the rules for a successful married life.

    Efforts have been made to get the information as accurate and updated as possible. If you found any incorrect information with credible source, please send it via the contact us form

    Sky Hoon
    He is happily married and have 1 child. He went through the pre marriage counseling and found it useful and wished to share to others in their marriages